Rogue Moruga Blood Orange Scorpion Pepper Sauce

Still on the entitlement train for my birthday early in February, I got myself a bottle of High River Sauces' Rogue Moruga Blood Orange Scorpion Pepper Sauce.

I was enticed by the promise of high heat from the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion and Ghost Peppers, each of which have been declared the hottest pepper on earth in recent history before being eclipsed by another.  I was also drawn to the delicious-sounding combo of fruits, which includes blood oranges and pears.

The color on this sauce is really beautiful, but I have to warn you that it's very thin and watery.  It's very, very easy to dump an eighth of the bottle onto your food when you're trying to just add a dash.

My wife commented that the flavor is very vinegary, but I find the combo of the use of apple cider vinegar along with the sweet tang of the fruit ingredients makes the sharp flavor vibrant and keeps it out of the dreaded Tabasco zone.

The heat level is nice, but not overwhelming.  On the many occasions that I've accidentally dumped way more of the thin sauce than I meant to on my food, I've still enjoyed the flavor and heat and not found it too spicy for my tastes.  The sauce's sweetness and the fact that the hot peppers are relatively low on the ingredients list probably contributes to that.

The good:  Sharp, fruity flavor.  Decent heat.

The bad:  Very runny consistency.  Could be hotter.

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