Budget Heat - El Yucateco XXXtra Hot Kutbil-ik Mayan Style Habañero Hot Sauce

I can't keep this sauce on my shelf.  I go through it so fast.  The savory, lightly smoky flavor and really excellent heat-per-dollar ratio make it a no-brainer favorite.  I put a little bit too much of it on pretty much everything.  And I can get it for under two bucks at just about any grocery store near me.

It's distinctly hotter than the other El Yucateco offerings, but not so hot that I ever hesitate to reach for it.  And the flavor is just miles above the brand's other variations.
A closeup to show off the beautiful texture - the ingredients don't list any food coloring.

I tried it for the first time just a few months ago and I've gone through several bottles.  I wish it came in a big-ass bottle like Sriracha does.  I'd sleep with it next to me.

Cheap.  Delicious.  Hot.  Favorite.

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