Spicy Memories Volume 42: Here, Eat This - The Fresh Habañero Challenge

Inspired by this video in which a young lad ate a hot pepper and then proceeded to panic and seize to the point of rubbing habañero-tinged saliva all over his own face, my wife decided to photograph me eating a fresh, raw habañero pepper.  This was way back in 2007, apparently during an era when it was impossible to photograph me at home with a shirt on.

This photo was the result:

I intelligently prepared a paper towel with which to rub habañero saliva into my eyes.
She was actually quite disappointed with the results.  At this point in time, I was by no means a super-powered capsaicin warrior, but I was clearly already habituated enough to eating hot, spicy foods to not have a full-on meltdown at the heat level of this pepper.  The pepper was very hot, for sure.  And I was clearly suffering.  In the photo, my face is noticeably red and I'm sweaty and panting.  But her desire to see me absolutely lose my shit was clearly thwarted.  I didn't scream.  I didn't roll around on the floor.  I didn't run in circles with cartoon smoke coming out of my ears.  I barely drooled.

She told me, "I needed you to shit blood out your eyes."

My verdict:  Habañero challenge passed!

Her verdict:  Habañero challenge failed!

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